= How to write Munin plugins =
Writing a Munin plugin is astoundingly simple. If you know where the data is and know a minimum of scripting in perl/shell/awk/sed or something like that you can do it.
In way of explaining it all we'll write two plugins the simplest way. Since I'm kind of old school I'll use shell and shell tools for these plugins. You can do them completely in perl or any other language you like.
== Load average plugin ==
On Unix you can get a hosts load average from the command ''uptime''. However, on Linux the load average is also available from the file called {{{/proc/loadavg}}}. One less external command will make the plugin faster.
=== Getting a field value ===
$ cat /proc/loadavg
0.05 0.07 0.14 1/74 30026
The file consists of numbers separated by only one space. The Unix ''cut'' command should be good for that:
$ cut -d' ' -f1 /proc/loadavg
As easy as it gets. One thing wrong here though: Munin calls the plugins every 5 minutes (this may change in the future). The better value to report is not the first one but the second one. In the man page for ''uptime'' you'll see this called the 5 minute load average.
Also, munin wants the value in a more structured form:
# echo -n "load.value "; cut -d' ' -f2 /proc/loadavg
load.value 0.06
Here the ''load'' is called the field or field name, ''value'' the attribute, and the number is of course the value. MuninNomenclature has a complete overview of Munin specific terminology.
That was the hard part of the plugin. The rest is just book-keeping.
=== Munin plugin config command ===
For munin to know how to draw a graph of the reported numbers, it calls the plugin script with ''config'' as the only argument. A minimal output looks like this:
graph_title Load average
graph_vlabel load
load.label load
The global attribute ''graph_title'' sets the title of the graph - in large lettering across the top. The other global attribute ''graph_vlabel'' labels the vertical axis of the graph. In addition ''load.label'' provides a color coded legend for the graphed line provided by ''load.value''.
=== Everything in a script ===
The most trivial plugin is then this script:
case $1 in
cat <<'EOM'
graph_title Load average
graph_vlabel load
load.label load
exit 0;;
echo -n "load.value "
cut -d' ' -f2 /proc/loadavg
Testing it:
$ ./load
load.value 0.08
$ ./load config
graph_title Load average
graph_vlabel load
load.label load
Place the plugin in {{{/etc/munin/plugins}}}. To test it for real use {{{munin-run}}}. This sets up the environment for the plugin exactly like it would be when run from the [wiki:munin-node munin-node] network service.
# munin-run load
load.value 0.08
# munin-run load config
graph_title Load average
graph_vlabel load
load.label load
=== Finishing touches ===
There are a couple more things you can add to improve the plugin. For example Munin supports more explanatory legends, and the graph should be tweaked. For instance, one may add these attributes to the ''config'' output:
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_scale no
graph_category system
load.warning 10
load.critical 120
graph_info The load average of the machine describes how many processes are in the run-queue (scheduled to run "immediately").
load.info Average load for the five minutes.
The values of [wiki:graph_args graph_args] are passed to the graphing tool (rrd) to instruct it about how to draw the graphs. {{{--base}}} is to make it scale the graph with a 1000 base (1000=1k 1000k=1M and so on. If you give the base as 1024 as you might when measuring bytes then 1024=1k 1024k=1M and so on. Disks are usually measured in units of 1000 due to the industry standard for marketing disks that people have gotten used to). The ''-l 0'' sets the lowest value to 0. If all readings of a plugin were between 10 and 100 the lowest value on the graph might otherwise be set to 10. On a graph showing readings in percent you might add {{{--upper-limit 100}}} (of course some percentage readings goes past 100%).
[wiki:graph_scale graph_scale no] makes munin (rrd) not scale the number. Normally a reading of 1000 would be scaled to ''1k'' and 1000000 to '1M' (according to scales set with {{{--base}}} explained above).
The ''.warning'' and ''.critical'' attributes are used to issue status messages. In the case of load average they're probably set statically by the plugin author. A plugin may also examine the system on which it runs to determine good values for these. The best way is for the plugin author provide defaults, and then code the plugin to get defaults from environment variables such as $warning and $critical.
The values ''[wiki:graph_info graph_info]'' attribute and each of the ''.info'' field-attributes are added as text on the html page under the graphs. They serve as legends for the graphs shown. In the case of this plugin there is not much to say - in other cases, when presenting output from more complex systems (much) more explanation is in order. Imagine writing for a person that knows Unix/networks/operating systems in general but not the specific sub-system the plugin measures in particular.
This results in a graph such as this:
The html load page looks like the [http://munin.ping.uio.no/ping.uio.no/bjarne.ping.uio.no-load.html page pointed to here]. There you can see the use of the info attributes as well.
=== Restarting munin-node ===
The [wiki:munin-node munin-node] network service will not discover new plugins in the plugin directory until you restart it.
# /etc/init.d/munin-node reload
Stopping Munin Node agents: [ OK ]
Starting Munin Node: [ OK ]
Now you can check the reading by telnet:
# telnet localhost 4949
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
# munin node at foo.example.com
fetch load
load.value 0.06
And now Munin will find the plugin as well - and you should have a readable graph within 15-20 minutes.
Here is the real source for the load average plugin for different architectures:
* [http://munin.projects.linpro.no/file/trunk/node/node.d.linux/load.in Linux load plugin]
* [http://munin.projects.linpro.no/file/trunk/node/node.d.freebsd/load.in FreeBSD load plugin]
* [http://munin.projects.linpro.no/file/trunk/node/node.d.sunos/load.in Solaris load plugin]
You will see that they observe some additional niceties that I've not described here.
== Error handling in plugins ==
The unix way of communicating errors in such small programs is to set the exit code. Unfortunately just setting the exit code (exit 2, exit 3, exit 4) and not issuing a error message is not very friendly. Therefore, if there is a execution error, such as not being able to open a file that the plugin should be able to access, please both give a error message and exit with a non-zero value. In shell it goes like this:
if [ ! -r /proc/loadavg ] ; then
echo Cannot read /proc/loadavg >&2
exit -1
In perl:
open(LOAD,"</proc/loadavg") or die "Could not open /proc/loadavg for reading: $!\n";
== Network interface plugin ==
This plugin demonstrates some additional points but it is much the same as the load plugin. Firstly this plugin will make two curves in one. This graph will show how many bytes pass over each network interface on the host it is run. In quite many Unixes you'll find these numbers in the output of {{{/sbin/ifconfig}}}:
$ /sbin/ifconfig
eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:13:CE:63:45:B2
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::213:ceff:fe63:45b2/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:2610 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:3162 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:42
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:817182918 (779.3 MiB) TX bytes:2835962961 (2.6 GiB)
Interrupt:18 Base address:0xc000 Memory:b0204000-b0204fff
As usual in Linux though you can also find these numbers in a file. In this case it's {{{/proc/net/dev}}}:
Inter-| Receive | Transmit
face |bytes packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed
lo:22763978 191841 0 0 0 0 0 0 22763978 191841 0 0 0 0 0 0
eth0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
eth1:817283042 3242 0 0 0 0 0 0 2836088627 4372 0 0 0 0 42 0
sit0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
This is food for awk. For each interface we're interested in the interface name, received bytes and transmitted bytes. Awk usually uses whitespace as column separator, but this file uses : as well. Fortunately we can adjust awk's column separator.
$ awk -v interface="eth1" -F'[: \t]+' \
'{ sub(/^ */,""); // Remove leading space
if ($1 == interface) print "down.value "$2"\nup.value "$10;
}' /proc/net/dev
down.value 818579628
up.value 2837327179
But there is one important difference: The load plugin reports a number that can simply be plotted on the Y axis. These ethernet numbers will just continue to grow into the sky as long as the machine is up. What we actually want to graph is the increase in the numbers between each sampling measured in bits (or bytes) pr. second. Munin (rrd) will take the number and divide by the number of seconds between the samples (currently the sample interval is fixed at 5 minutes, or 300 seconds), so the "per second" part is taken care of. The bytes to bits we'll get into in a second. This is the appropriate {{{config}}} output for the plugin thus far:
graph_order down up
graph_title eth1 traffic
graph_args --base 1000
graph_vlabel bits in (-) / out (+) per ${graph_period}
down.label received
down.type COUNTER
The ''COUNTER'' here says that the value is a counter that keeps increasing rather than a GAUGE which the load reading was. If you put this into a script and add a {{{config}}} section you'll have a working plugin producing two curves in one graph.
But there is more:
down.graph no
down.cdef down,8,*
up.label bps
up.type COUNTER
up.negative down
up.cdef up,8,*
Here are two or three points. The [wiki:fieldname.cdef .cdef] thing takes care of multiplying by 8 to get from bytes (or bytes pr. second) which is what the file shows to bits (i.e., bits pr. second) which is the unit most humans use when they think about network speeds.
There is a munin policy that input and output to the same device should be graphed in the same graph, this we already do. BUT, we want the output above the X axis and input below. This is done by first disabling graphing of the input (downloaded) value, then using [wiki:fieldname.negative up.negative down]. Instead of just negating the down value this keeps the sign and gives the down graph the same color as the up graph. The values in the database are kept as normal, he whole thing is magiced by Munin while graphing.
The end result is this kind of graph
Given a full set of info attributes (I've broken the first line to make it practical to read:
graph_info This graph shows the traffic of the eth0 network interface. Please note
that the traffic is shown in bits per second, not bytes. IMPORTANT: Since the
data source for this plugin use 32bit counters, this plugin is really unreliable
and unsuitable for most 100Mb (or faster) interfaces, where bursts are expected
to exceed 50Mbps. This means that this plugin is usuitable for most production
environments. To avoid this problem, use the ip_ plugin instead.
up.info Traffic of the eth0 interface. Maximum speed is 1000Mbps
Then you end up with a [http://munin.ping.uio.no/ping.uio.no/cappuccino.ping.uio.no-if_eth0.html generated page like this]
To avoid spikes in the graph when counters are reset (as opposed to wrapping), use {{{${name}.type}}} DERIVE and {{{${name}.min}}} 0. Note that this will cause lost data points when the counter wraps, and should therefore not be used with plugins that are expected to wrap more often than be reset (or sampled). An example of this is the Linux {{{if_}}} plugin on 32bit machines with a busy (100Mbps) network.
The reasons behind this is rooted in the nature of 32 bit two's complement arithmetic and the way such numbers wrap around from huge positive numbers to huge negative numbers when they overflow. Please refer to these two articles in wikipedia to learn more: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_arithmetic Binary Arithmetic] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two%27s_complement Two's complement].
To summarize:
1. Use {{{${name}.min}}} to avoid negative spikes
== Graph category ==
If the plugin gives the "graph_category" attribute in its {{{config}}} output, the graph will be grouped together with other graphs of the same category. Please consult (or update) the [wiki:graph_category_list category list].
== Going on ==
Oh yes, I nearly forgot, there are some restrictions on the characters you can use in field names. They are documented in ''[wiki:notes_on_datasource_names Notes on Field names]''.
The [wiki:Documentation#Plugins plugin documentation] should have all the information you need. I suggest the next thing you read about plugins is [wiki:plugin-bcp Best Practices] which should tell you all you need to know to get nice graphs in as few tries as possible. If your plugin does not work like you think it should try [wiki:Debugging_Munin_plugins Debugging Munin Plugins]. To see how get the plugin autoconfigured on install and such take a look at [wiki:ConcisePlugins].
Writing a Munin plugin is astoundingly simple. If you know where the data is and know a minimum of scripting in perl/shell/awk/sed or something like that you can do it.
In way of explaining it all we'll write two plugins the simplest way. Since I'm kind of old school I'll use shell and shell tools for these plugins. You can do them completely in perl or any other language you like.
== Load average plugin ==
On Unix you can get a hosts load average from the command ''uptime''. However, on Linux the load average is also available from the file called {{{/proc/loadavg}}}. One less external command will make the plugin faster.
=== Getting a field value ===
$ cat /proc/loadavg
0.05 0.07 0.14 1/74 30026
The file consists of numbers separated by only one space. The Unix ''cut'' command should be good for that:
$ cut -d' ' -f1 /proc/loadavg
As easy as it gets. One thing wrong here though: Munin calls the plugins every 5 minutes (this may change in the future). The better value to report is not the first one but the second one. In the man page for ''uptime'' you'll see this called the 5 minute load average.
Also, munin wants the value in a more structured form:
# echo -n "load.value "; cut -d' ' -f2 /proc/loadavg
load.value 0.06
Here the ''load'' is called the field or field name, ''value'' the attribute, and the number is of course the value. MuninNomenclature has a complete overview of Munin specific terminology.
That was the hard part of the plugin. The rest is just book-keeping.
=== Munin plugin config command ===
For munin to know how to draw a graph of the reported numbers, it calls the plugin script with ''config'' as the only argument. A minimal output looks like this:
graph_title Load average
graph_vlabel load
load.label load
The global attribute ''graph_title'' sets the title of the graph - in large lettering across the top. The other global attribute ''graph_vlabel'' labels the vertical axis of the graph. In addition ''load.label'' provides a color coded legend for the graphed line provided by ''load.value''.
=== Everything in a script ===
The most trivial plugin is then this script:
case $1 in
cat <<'EOM'
graph_title Load average
graph_vlabel load
load.label load
exit 0;;
echo -n "load.value "
cut -d' ' -f2 /proc/loadavg
Testing it:
$ ./load
load.value 0.08
$ ./load config
graph_title Load average
graph_vlabel load
load.label load
Place the plugin in {{{/etc/munin/plugins}}}. To test it for real use {{{munin-run}}}. This sets up the environment for the plugin exactly like it would be when run from the [wiki:munin-node munin-node] network service.
# munin-run load
load.value 0.08
# munin-run load config
graph_title Load average
graph_vlabel load
load.label load
=== Finishing touches ===
There are a couple more things you can add to improve the plugin. For example Munin supports more explanatory legends, and the graph should be tweaked. For instance, one may add these attributes to the ''config'' output:
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_scale no
graph_category system
load.warning 10
load.critical 120
graph_info The load average of the machine describes how many processes are in the run-queue (scheduled to run "immediately").
load.info Average load for the five minutes.
The values of [wiki:graph_args graph_args] are passed to the graphing tool (rrd) to instruct it about how to draw the graphs. {{{--base}}} is to make it scale the graph with a 1000 base (1000=1k 1000k=1M and so on. If you give the base as 1024 as you might when measuring bytes then 1024=1k 1024k=1M and so on. Disks are usually measured in units of 1000 due to the industry standard for marketing disks that people have gotten used to). The ''-l 0'' sets the lowest value to 0. If all readings of a plugin were between 10 and 100 the lowest value on the graph might otherwise be set to 10. On a graph showing readings in percent you might add {{{--upper-limit 100}}} (of course some percentage readings goes past 100%).
[wiki:graph_scale graph_scale no] makes munin (rrd) not scale the number. Normally a reading of 1000 would be scaled to ''1k'' and 1000000 to '1M' (according to scales set with {{{--base}}} explained above).
The ''.warning'' and ''.critical'' attributes are used to issue status messages. In the case of load average they're probably set statically by the plugin author. A plugin may also examine the system on which it runs to determine good values for these. The best way is for the plugin author provide defaults, and then code the plugin to get defaults from environment variables such as $warning and $critical.
The values ''[wiki:graph_info graph_info]'' attribute and each of the ''.info'' field-attributes are added as text on the html page under the graphs. They serve as legends for the graphs shown. In the case of this plugin there is not much to say - in other cases, when presenting output from more complex systems (much) more explanation is in order. Imagine writing for a person that knows Unix/networks/operating systems in general but not the specific sub-system the plugin measures in particular.
This results in a graph such as this:
The html load page looks like the [http://munin.ping.uio.no/ping.uio.no/bjarne.ping.uio.no-load.html page pointed to here]. There you can see the use of the info attributes as well.
=== Restarting munin-node ===
The [wiki:munin-node munin-node] network service will not discover new plugins in the plugin directory until you restart it.
# /etc/init.d/munin-node reload
Stopping Munin Node agents: [ OK ]
Starting Munin Node: [ OK ]
Now you can check the reading by telnet:
# telnet localhost 4949
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
# munin node at foo.example.com
fetch load
load.value 0.06
And now Munin will find the plugin as well - and you should have a readable graph within 15-20 minutes.
Here is the real source for the load average plugin for different architectures:
* [http://munin.projects.linpro.no/file/trunk/node/node.d.linux/load.in Linux load plugin]
* [http://munin.projects.linpro.no/file/trunk/node/node.d.freebsd/load.in FreeBSD load plugin]
* [http://munin.projects.linpro.no/file/trunk/node/node.d.sunos/load.in Solaris load plugin]
You will see that they observe some additional niceties that I've not described here.
== Error handling in plugins ==
The unix way of communicating errors in such small programs is to set the exit code. Unfortunately just setting the exit code (exit 2, exit 3, exit 4) and not issuing a error message is not very friendly. Therefore, if there is a execution error, such as not being able to open a file that the plugin should be able to access, please both give a error message and exit with a non-zero value. In shell it goes like this:
if [ ! -r /proc/loadavg ] ; then
echo Cannot read /proc/loadavg >&2
exit -1
In perl:
open(LOAD,"</proc/loadavg") or die "Could not open /proc/loadavg for reading: $!\n";
== Network interface plugin ==
This plugin demonstrates some additional points but it is much the same as the load plugin. Firstly this plugin will make two curves in one. This graph will show how many bytes pass over each network interface on the host it is run. In quite many Unixes you'll find these numbers in the output of {{{/sbin/ifconfig}}}:
$ /sbin/ifconfig
eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:13:CE:63:45:B2
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::213:ceff:fe63:45b2/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:2610 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:3162 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:42
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:817182918 (779.3 MiB) TX bytes:2835962961 (2.6 GiB)
Interrupt:18 Base address:0xc000 Memory:b0204000-b0204fff
As usual in Linux though you can also find these numbers in a file. In this case it's {{{/proc/net/dev}}}:
Inter-| Receive | Transmit
face |bytes packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed
lo:22763978 191841 0 0 0 0 0 0 22763978 191841 0 0 0 0 0 0
eth0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
eth1:817283042 3242 0 0 0 0 0 0 2836088627 4372 0 0 0 0 42 0
sit0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
This is food for awk. For each interface we're interested in the interface name, received bytes and transmitted bytes. Awk usually uses whitespace as column separator, but this file uses : as well. Fortunately we can adjust awk's column separator.
$ awk -v interface="eth1" -F'[: \t]+' \
'{ sub(/^ */,""); // Remove leading space
if ($1 == interface) print "down.value "$2"\nup.value "$10;
}' /proc/net/dev
down.value 818579628
up.value 2837327179
But there is one important difference: The load plugin reports a number that can simply be plotted on the Y axis. These ethernet numbers will just continue to grow into the sky as long as the machine is up. What we actually want to graph is the increase in the numbers between each sampling measured in bits (or bytes) pr. second. Munin (rrd) will take the number and divide by the number of seconds between the samples (currently the sample interval is fixed at 5 minutes, or 300 seconds), so the "per second" part is taken care of. The bytes to bits we'll get into in a second. This is the appropriate {{{config}}} output for the plugin thus far:
graph_order down up
graph_title eth1 traffic
graph_args --base 1000
graph_vlabel bits in (-) / out (+) per ${graph_period}
down.label received
down.type COUNTER
The ''COUNTER'' here says that the value is a counter that keeps increasing rather than a GAUGE which the load reading was. If you put this into a script and add a {{{config}}} section you'll have a working plugin producing two curves in one graph.
But there is more:
down.graph no
down.cdef down,8,*
up.label bps
up.type COUNTER
up.negative down
up.cdef up,8,*
Here are two or three points. The [wiki:fieldname.cdef .cdef] thing takes care of multiplying by 8 to get from bytes (or bytes pr. second) which is what the file shows to bits (i.e., bits pr. second) which is the unit most humans use when they think about network speeds.
There is a munin policy that input and output to the same device should be graphed in the same graph, this we already do. BUT, we want the output above the X axis and input below. This is done by first disabling graphing of the input (downloaded) value, then using [wiki:fieldname.negative up.negative down]. Instead of just negating the down value this keeps the sign and gives the down graph the same color as the up graph. The values in the database are kept as normal, he whole thing is magiced by Munin while graphing.
The end result is this kind of graph
Given a full set of info attributes (I've broken the first line to make it practical to read:
graph_info This graph shows the traffic of the eth0 network interface. Please note
that the traffic is shown in bits per second, not bytes. IMPORTANT: Since the
data source for this plugin use 32bit counters, this plugin is really unreliable
and unsuitable for most 100Mb (or faster) interfaces, where bursts are expected
to exceed 50Mbps. This means that this plugin is usuitable for most production
environments. To avoid this problem, use the ip_ plugin instead.
up.info Traffic of the eth0 interface. Maximum speed is 1000Mbps
Then you end up with a [http://munin.ping.uio.no/ping.uio.no/cappuccino.ping.uio.no-if_eth0.html generated page like this]
To avoid spikes in the graph when counters are reset (as opposed to wrapping), use {{{${name}.type}}} DERIVE and {{{${name}.min}}} 0. Note that this will cause lost data points when the counter wraps, and should therefore not be used with plugins that are expected to wrap more often than be reset (or sampled). An example of this is the Linux {{{if_}}} plugin on 32bit machines with a busy (100Mbps) network.
The reasons behind this is rooted in the nature of 32 bit two's complement arithmetic and the way such numbers wrap around from huge positive numbers to huge negative numbers when they overflow. Please refer to these two articles in wikipedia to learn more: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_arithmetic Binary Arithmetic] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two%27s_complement Two's complement].
To summarize:
1. Use {{{${name}.min}}} to avoid negative spikes
== Graph category ==
If the plugin gives the "graph_category" attribute in its {{{config}}} output, the graph will be grouped together with other graphs of the same category. Please consult (or update) the [wiki:graph_category_list category list].
== Going on ==
Oh yes, I nearly forgot, there are some restrictions on the characters you can use in field names. They are documented in ''[wiki:notes_on_datasource_names Notes on Field names]''.
The [wiki:Documentation#Plugins plugin documentation] should have all the information you need. I suggest the next thing you read about plugins is [wiki:plugin-bcp Best Practices] which should tell you all you need to know to get nice graphs in as few tries as possible. If your plugin does not work like you think it should try [wiki:Debugging_Munin_plugins Debugging Munin Plugins]. To see how get the plugin autoconfigured on install and such take a look at [wiki:ConcisePlugins].
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